My blog is back online! If you were subscribed to updates before, you’re hopefully getting this in an e-mail. If not, feel free to add yourself at the bottom of this page. And if you’ve changed your mind, there’s an unsubscribe link in the e-mail.
If you followed my blog at all before, you may have noticed that I didn’t finish the circumnavigation posts and then it disappeared. Turns out, while I was off traveling and not posting, my blog was infected by malware of apparently Russian origin (judging by the .ru urls in the infected files) and my hosting service shut it down. In the last few days, I finally wiped the old blog and restarted it in time for my next trip.
Maybe someday I’ll even upload the rest of the circumnavigation story! But not today. First, a couple posts about the longest sea voyage I’ve ever worked: New Zealand to the Falkland Islands, ’round the dreaded Cape Horn.